The Remarkable Marketing Podcast

Watch Dr. Chris Discuss the Power of Empathy in Marketing

In this brief podcast interview (~20 minutes), Chris makes a case for practicing empathy in sales and marketing, sharing insights, stories, and practical examples. Learn how to influence consumer behavior ethically, develop effective marketing strategies, and drive innovation through understanding customer emotion-based needs. Gain insights into The Buycologist’s 7-step process for influencing customer behavior across B2C and B2B contexts without feeling gross.

A few quotes from the discussion:

“Empathy is the ability to see the world through someone else’s eyes, essentially through their experience, to understand what they’re thinking, how they’re feeling.”

“Experience is undeniable. It’s one thing to talk about customer challenges and pain points. It’s another thing to put yourself in those shoes and experience them firsthand for yourself.”

“Almost everything we buy, and I would argue, everything we buy, but I’ll give a little bit, almost everything we buy is based on an emotional need, and that is the key to motivating people.”

You can check out the full interview HERE.

If you or someone you know is interested in booking Dr. Chris for speaking events, workshops, or masterclasses focused on influencing customer behavior without feeling gross, click here to contact The Buycologist.